On brand.
For the lone wolves, free thinkers, and unique creators, here are a few thoughts and ideas to help big dreamers like you go bigger.
Bezos: He's rich, but what's he really like?
Jeff is rolling in it, but I know nothing about the man beyond his considerable dough. So, I did a search to hear what it's like to work with him.
Meet Erik the Red (c. 950-1003): the world's first brand badass.
Erik Thorvaldsson was a Norwegian viking and also a savvy brand builder. He was forced to sail west to a mysterious land that few before him had explored. Using instinct alone, this accidental brand engineer managed to draw throngs of settlers with him to a land they knew little about. (Illustration credit: Joan Francesc Oliveras Pallerols)
Brands can learn from Logan Paul's You Tube suicide.
In a moment of hasty judgement, Logan Paul shook the foundation of his own social media empire. This is the kind of territory that brands need to understand how to navigate.
The appearance of new.
I marvel at how Taylor Swift has been able to simulate freshness with every successive album. I think this is one of the most difficult aspects in marketing: the appearance of new.
Glad my car tires perform better than the car tire taglines I found.
Thoughts about tires, their vital importance in safety, and how advertisers play this up. A quick search brought me to a few nuggets to share.